Thursday, January 24, 2013

So, let me catch up...

Since I was previously posting, a lot has changed. Back in 2009, my dad chose to take his own life. Since then, my "real" life has become a vacuum, pushing other people out and leaning on MMOs for my social life. Not looking for sympathy, just might help anyone reading understand why I might seem a bit over the top or manic about my game play.

I play a ton of alts. Over the last few years of not posting, some have disappeared. So disregard previous posts...

Boudin has been my traveling toon, having gone from Gnomeregan to Lightning's Blade to Moon Guard, and now returning to Gnomeregan. He did one night's worth of raiding at 85 (pre-MOP) and caught some Deathwing loot. Now he's just... 90 but not real strong. But he's my primary tool, despite loving hunters way over priests!

Tirron will be my main on Gnomeregan. I love hunters from a strictly PvE perspective. Just a totally fun class to play.

I won't forget about Tirron@Moon Guard though. He's been fun, and RP has been an entertaining carrot on a stick. Sometimes you really want to forget about the world you are in.

Tap Tap Tap... this thing on? Wow, it's been a while...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Post!

... in nearly two years. Meh.

Anyone still playing Warcraft? Anyone? WTB my life back!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Inspired By Boredom: Professions Day

I have been trying to find a single character to focus on the last few days, but just haven't found the inspiration. So I did my daily cooking quest with Tirron (scored some level 300 recipe from my barrel of fish reward), then just diddled around trying to economically skill up professions on the lowbies.

Flugh - Engineering up to 125, First Aid to 147
Remil - Blacksmithing up to 215 (Mithril Shield Spike finally!), Fishing and Cooking both to 129 (way behind on those)
Shortlock - First Aid up to 196, Mining up to 79 (also quested from level 31 to level 33, woot!)

I really couldn't get into any one thing. Sort of a blah weekend. Ah well, guess I could take a run at real life for a change...

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Fishing: Why??

Before heading towards the Blasted Lands, I decided to work on Remil's cooking and fishing (trying to get all my alt's skills to at least 25+(level * 5). His fishing and cooking were both right at 100, about 155 points behind. So I headed to Southshore so I could catch and cook a ton of Bristle Whisker Catfish. Fishing, meh. Boring, tedious. Why?? I thought it was funny though, having this big scary plate-wrapped Paladin wielding his fishing pole and hunkering down next to his cooking fire. Rawr.
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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Nice level-up screenshot...

 I use an addon called "Levelsnap" to automatically take a screenshot when my character achieves a new level. It's really cool if it happens in the middle of a fight and there you are, fighting your way to the next level. While playing with my Undead Warlock, Dotrot (in our Horde Alt guild on Zangarmarsh, KS Horgey), I hit level 23, but not very glamorous circumstances.
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Unbelievable Lag!

 I unloaded in Southern Louisiana (near Morgan City), and ended up laying over for the evening. Unfortunately, the AT&T's cellular internet service here is the absolute worst I have encountered so far (aside from just not working at all). My latency went as high as 16,000ms at times. So I logged in my Shaman, one Chestymchoof, figuring the lowbie level 1-10 quests might be doable given my high ping handicap. After a few failed attempts with Dranei, I am committing to getting this guy to at least level 30. Today did NOTHING to make me want to stick it out. Stinkin' lag. I should have been playing via snail-mail.

Anyway, I went from level 2 up to level 6. If it weren't for the lag, I could have probably made it to level 10. Meh.

What a boring post.
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Monday, December 03, 2007

The Roguinator: Level 15 and 16!

I had over six hours to burn while waiting to load in Houston, Texas today. So I used the time to login and work on my level 14 Rogue, Flugh.

Picking up where he last left off, the intrepid rogue grabbed his blades and headed off to Eastern Loch Modan. There were several quests available at the Farstrider Hunting Lodge, involving the elimination of several Buzzards, Boars, and Crocolisks. During the questing frenzy, Flugh achieved both level 15 and level 16, assigning talent points in his Subtlety tree. Sneak and stab shall prevail :-)
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